Tuesday, September 27, 2011


USANA – Skin Care Products (SENSE)

Gentle Daily Cleanser Use this exceptional, soap-free cleanser to wash away surface dirt and impurities without drying your delicate facial skin. A unique formulation of pure-plant extracts deeply cleanses and hydrates the skin, leaving it moist and supple. This refreshing gel is a great way to revive your complexion at the beginning & end of each day.

Hydrating Toner Refresh and revitalize your skin with this soothing toner. Essential to removing any lingering impurities after cleansing, this moisturizing blend of pure-plant extracts balances your skin’s pH and helps combat environmental influences. Bathe your skin with essential nutrients that leave your skin looking soft, smooth, and refined.

Daytime Protective Emulsion w/ Sunscreen Face every day with radiance as you protect, hydrate, and replenish your skin with this high-performance moisturizer enriched with Regenisomes™. This lightweight, non-greasy formula nourishes while it defends against UV rays and other harsh environmental elements, minimizing their impact and leaving your skin soft and smooth.

Night Renewal Créme Wake up to younger looking, rejuvenated skin. This nutrient-rich, hydrating crème works overnight, while your skin is more receptive to moisture, to renew your skin after the day’s exposure to the environment. Formulated with Regenisomes™, DSR™ technology, and firming botanicals, this restorative emulsion instantly boosts moisture levels and stimulates cell renewal for a healthy, luminous complexion.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

GRAPE SEED - Proflavanol


Grape seed extracts are industrial derivatives from whole grape seeds that have a great concentration of vitamin E, flavonoids, linoleic acid, and OPCs. Typically, the commercial opportunity of extracting grape seed constituents has been for chemicals known as polyphenols, including oligomeric proanthocyanidins recognized as antioxidants.

Potential anti-disease effects

Human case reports and results from laboratory and animal studies show that grape seed extract may be useful to treat heart diseases such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. By limiting lipid oxidation, phenolics in grape seeds may reduce risk of heart disease, such as by inhibiting platelet aggregation and reducing inflammation. While such studies are promising, more research including long-term studies in humans is needed to confirm initial findings.

A polyphenol contained in grape seeds is resveratrol which may interfere with cancer cell growth and proliferation, as well as induce apoptosis, among a variety of potential chemopreventive effects.

Grape seed components may also be active against HIV by inhibiting virus expression and replication.

Preliminary research shows that grape seed extract may have other possible anti-disease properties, such as in laboratory models of

Wound healing

grape seed proanthocyanidins induced vascular endothelial growth factor and accelerated healing of injured skin in mice.

Tooth decay

seed phenolics may inhibit oral sugar metabolism and retard growth of certain bacteria causing dental caries.


grape seed extracts enhanced bone density and strength in experimental animals.

Skin cancer

grape seed proanthocyanidins decreased tumor numbers and reduced the malignancy of papillomas.

Ultraviolet damage to skin

Dietary proanthocyanidins may protect against carcinogenesis and provide supplementation for sunscreen protection.

There is good evidence that grape seed extract can help treat chronic venous insufficiency and edema.

Currently, there are four clinical trials underway to assess the effect of grape seed extracts on human breast cancer, blood estrogen levels in postmenopausal women, and coronary artery disease.

Dosage, precautions and interactions

Oral grape seed extract is typically used as capsules or tablets usually containing 50 mg or 100 mg, or as a liquid to add drops to water and/or other drinks. Insufficient scientific information is known, however, about how long-term use of grape seed extract might affect health or any disease.

In a 12-month study, the safety of dietary intake of grape seed proanthocyanidins in a dose of 100 mg per kg per day was demonstrated in rodents.

The US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) reports that oral administration of grape seed extract was well tolerated in people over 8 weeks of a clinical trial. In one completed clinical trial, grape seed extract did not alleviate the hardening of breast tissue in female patients undergoing radiation therapy to treat breast cancer.

Side Effects and Cautions. Other NCCAM advisories.

Grape seed extract is generally well tolerated when taken by mouth. It has been used safely for up to 8 weeks in clinical trials.

Side effects most often include headache, a dry, itchy scalp, dizziness or nausea

Interactions between grape seed extract and medicines or other supplements have not

been carefully studied

Due to the action of proanthocyanidins on limiting platelet adhesion, grape seed extract may increase the clotting time of blood.

Grape seed extract is also an aromatase inhibitor, i.e. it suppresses the conversion of testosterone to estradiol

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Koenzim Q10


Petikan dari Utusan Malaysia (Ahad - 6 Mac 2011)

Soalan :

Bapa saya mengamalkan pengambilan CoQ10 sejak enam bulan yang lalu atas saranan ahli farmasi untuk kesihatan jantung. Apakah kesan positif yang boleh dijangkakan dengan pengambilannya? Adakah ia juga memberi faedah kepada penghidap masalah kesihatan lain?


Di kalangan warga tua, pengambilan koenzim Q10 banyak dicadangkan untuk rangsangan tenaga. Tidak terkecuali juga sebagai terapi tambahan di kalangan mereka yang bermasalah dengan jantung. Ini kerana penyelidikan klinikal menyarankan penggunaan koenzim Q10 sahaja atau bersama dengan ubat dan suplemen lain bermanfaat untuk masalah-masalah kesihatan seperti penyakit jantung. Faedahnya kepada masalah ini adalah kerana keupayaannya memperbaiki penghasilan tenaga dalam sel, merencatkan pembentukan darah bergumpal dan bertindak sebagai anti oksida.

Paras koenzim juga cenderung lebih rendah di kalangan mereka yang menghidap kolesterol tinggi berbanding dengan mereka yang sihat dalam kumpulan umur yang sama. Tambahan pula, terdapat sesetengah ubat untuk mengawal kolesterol atau yang dipanggil statin boleh merendahkan paras semula jadi koenzim Q10 dalam tubuh. Pengambilan koenzim Q10 ini boleh mengembalikan semula parasnya dalam tubuh tanpa menjejaskan kesan positif ubat ke atas kolesterol. Manfaat lain yang tidak kurang pentingnya adalah potensinya dalam mengurangkan kesakitan otot yang berpunca daripada rawatan statin.

Koenzim Q10 merupakan kompaun yang boleh dijumpai secara semula jadi dalam tubuh seperti dalam pusat penghasilan tenaga yang dipanggil mitokondria. Koenzim Q10 terlibat dalam membuat molekul-molekul penting yang bertindak sebagai sumber tenaga sel yang utama dan mendorong beberapa proses biologi, termasuk kontraksi otot dan penghasilan protein.

Koenzim Q10 juga bertindak sebagai antioksida. Antioksida adalah bahan yang menentang radikal bebas, iaitu kompaun yang boleh mendatangkan kemudaratan, termasuk mengubah membran sel dan juga boleh menyebabkan kematian sel-sel. Radikal boleh hadir secara semula jadi, tetapi toksin persekitaran (termasuk sinaran ultra violet, radiasi, asap rokok dan pencemaran air) juga akan menambahkan jumlah partikel yang merosakkan.

Para saintis percaya radikal bebas menyumbang kepada proses penuaan serta kejadian pelbagai penyakit seperti penyakit jantung dan kanser. Antioksida seperti koenzim boleh meneutralkan radikal bebas .

Hasil ujian berskala kecil juga memperlihatkan pengambilan koenzim Q10 berpotensi memberi kesan positif untuk :

* Penyakit parkinson

* Meningkat fungsi imun

* Sakit kepala akibat migrain

* Serangan jantung mengejut